Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Cyperaceae/Cypéracées - Sedge Family
Carex viridula Michx. var. saxilittoralis (A.Robertson) Crins
En: rocky shore sedge
Fr: carex des littoraux rocheux, carex à bec court
Provincial Status: N
Range: Coastal, nwNfld. sNS; hal., often calc.

[=Carex saxilittoralis A.Robertson (basionym; type: Bellburns, nwNfld.)]
[=Carex oederi Ehrh. var. subglobosa sensu Fernald 1926, ?non subsp. subglobosa (Miel.) K.Richt.]

[Carex viridula var. saxilittoralis is a variety of Carex viridula subsp. brachyrrhyncha (Celak.) B.Schmid. In the FNA treatment, Carex oederi var. subglosa Fernald is mentioned in synonymy, but this is a typograhic error, as Fernald listed Carex oederi Ehrh. subsp. subglobosa (Miel.) K.Richt. (as a var.) in his list of species found, but did not make a new combination in his publication (Fernald, 1926, 28: 119, 166). In Europe, Carex viridula Michx. var. pulchella (Lönnr.) B.Schmid (=C. oederi var. pulchella Lönnr., C. scandinavica E.W.Davies) is a dwarf, primarily halophytic, seashore taxon, which is recognzied as distinct and has a European range. C. viridula var. saxilittoralis, also a dwarf halophytic taxon, should be compared to var. pulchella to see if it would be better placed in synonymy under C. viridula var. pulchella.]

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