Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Ophioglossaceae/Ophioglossacées - Adder's Tongue Family
Botrypus virginianus (L.) Michx.
En: rattlesnake fern, common grapefern, Virginia grapefern
Fr: botryche de Virginie
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Temp.-Boreal NA, SA, Eurasia; w/nwNfld., N to seLab.

[=Osmunda virginiana L. (basionym)]
[=Botrychium virginianum (L.) Sw.]
[=Botrychium virginianum (L.) Sw. subsp. typicum R.T.Clausen, nom. inval.]
[=Botrychium virginianum (L.) Sw. subsp. virginianum]
[=Botrychium virginianum (L.) Sw. var. europaeum Ångstr.]
[=Botrychium virginianum (L.) Sw. var. laurentianum Butters]
[=Botrychium virginianum (L.) Sw. var. virginianum]
[=Botrypus virginianus (L.) Holub, comb. superfl.]
[=Japanobotrychium virginianum (L.) M.Nishida]
[=Osmundopteris virginiana (L.) Small]

[The IPNI database notes that while Michaux published his 1803 species name as Botrypus virginicus, this was a correctable error in nomenclature and the accepted spelling of this species name is Botrypus virginianus. In 1973, Holub published the name Botrypus virginianus, using the correct spelling, but the subsequent nomenclatural correction to Michaux's name makes Holub's name superfluous.]

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