Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Rosaceae/Rosacées - Rose Family
Potentilla pulchella R.Br. ex Ross
En: Burnt Cape cinquefoil, pretty cinquefoil, branching cinquefoil
Fr: potentille du cap Brûlé, potentille jolie
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Arctic amphi-Atlantic; S to n-most Lab., nwNfld.; calc.

[=Potentilla nivea L. var. pulchella (R.Br. ex Ross) Durand]
[=Potentilla pulchella R.Br. ex Ross subsp. gracilicaulis (A.E.Porsild) Jurtzev]
[=Potentilla pulchella R.Br. ex Ross var. elatior Lange]
[=Potentilla pulchella R.Br. ex Ross var. gracilicaulis A.E.Porsild]
[=Potentilla pulchella R.Br. ex Ross var. pulchella]
[=Potentilla subarctica Rydb.]
[=Potentilla usticapensis Fernald (Type: Burnt Cape, nwNfld.)]

[Potentilla usticapensis previously considered endemic to Burnt Cape, nwNfld., is now listed as a synonym of Potentilla pulchella. One plant of P. pulchella had been documented in 1999 at Cape Norman, nwNfld., in gravels likely quarried from Burnt Cape prior to the site being declared an Ecological Reserve; however this plant has not persisted.]


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