Fr: rosier glauque, rosier à feuilles rougâtres, rosier à feuilles rouges
Provincial Status: Ni
Range: Europe; cultivated and occ. escaped and naturalizing in eNfld.
[=Ozanonia rubrifolia (Vill.) Gand.]
[=Rosa cinnamomea L. var. rubrifolia Vill. ex Thory]
[=Rosa glauca Pourr. var. abrezolii Burnat]
[=Rosa glauca Pourr. var. glaucescens (Wulfen) Popek]
[=Rosa glauca Pourr. var. pubescens (R.Keller) R.Keller]
[=Rosa glaucescens Wulfen]
[=Rosa ilseana Crép.]
[=Rosa majalis Herrm. var. rubrifolia (Vill. ex Thory) Wallr.]
[=Rosa pauciflora Opiz]
=Rosa rubrifolia Vill.]
[=Rosa rubrifolia Vill. var. cinnamomeoides Rouy]
[=Rosa rubrifolia Vill. var. glaucescens (Wulfen) R.Keller]
[=Rosa rubrifolia Vill. var. laevis Ser., nom. inval.]
[=Rosa rubrifolia Vill. var. pseudoglauca Rouy]
[=Rosa rubrifolia Vill. var. senticosoformis Rouy]
[=Rosa rubrifolia Vill. var. subinermis Rouy]
[Rosa glauca has naturalized along the Rennies River Trail, St. John's, eNfld. (Todd Boland, pers. comm., Oct 2018), and may have escaped cultivation in other areas.]