Salicaceae/Salicacées - Willow Family
Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
En: hoary willow, sage willow, sageleaf willow
Fr: saule tomenteux
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Boreal NA; sw/w/nwNfld., N to cLab.; calc.
Fr: saule tomenteux
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Boreal NA; sw/w/nwNfld., N to cLab.; calc.
[=Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd. forma denudata (Andersson) Rouleau]
[=Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd. var. denudata Andersson]
[=Salix incana Michx.]
[An unnamed hybrid of Salix candida × Salix pellita was reported from Nfld. on the basis of annotations by G. Argus of specimens at MT.]