Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Salicaceae/Salicacées - Willow Family
Salix herbacea L.
En: snowbed willow, herb-like willow, dwarf willow
Fr: saule herbacé
IU: uKaujak, Kupikulik
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Arctic-alpine amphi-Atlantic; n-most Lab., S to w/nwNfld.; acid., snowbeds.

[=Salix herbacea L. var. macrophylla Ser.]
[=Salix muscoides Gand.]
[=Salix obovatifolia Gand.]
[=Salix polaris of Labrador reports, non Wahlenb.]
[=Salix pumila Salisb., nom. illeg.]
[=Salix pyrenaeicola Gand.]
[=Salix scrupea Gand.]
[=Salix subemarginata Gand.]
[=Salix viticulosa Gand.]

[Salix herbacea is known from alpine snowbeds in the Long Range Mts. of the Great Northern Peninsula, nwNfld. (Bouchard et al. 1991).]

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