Salicaceae/Salicacées - Willow Family
Salix vestita Pursh
En: hairy willow, rock willow
Fr: saule pubescent, saule soyeux
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Arctic-alpine NA; nLab. (Nachvak), S to sw/w/nwNfld.; calc.
Fr: saule pubescent, saule soyeux
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Arctic-alpine NA; nLab. (Nachvak), S to sw/w/nwNfld.; calc.
[=Salix erecta Ledeb. ex Nasarow]
[=Salix fernaldii Blank.]
[=Salix leiolepis Fernald (Type: Table Mt., Port au Port, wNfld.)]
[=Salix vestita Pursh forma mensalis Fernald (Type: Table Mt., Port au Port, wNfld.)]
[=Salix vestita Pursh forma vestita]
[=Salix vestita Pursh subsp. leiolepis (Fernald) Argus]
[=Salix vestita Pursh var. erecta Andersson]
[=Salix vestita Pursh var. psilophylla Fernald & H.St.John]
[=Salix vestita Pursh var. vestita]
[The type location of Salix vestita Pursh is listed as 'Labrador'.]