Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Scrophulariaceae/Scrofulariacées - Figwort Family
Scrophularia nodosa L.
En: knotty figwort, woodland figwort, common figwort
Fr: scrophulaire noueuse
Provincial Status: Ni
Range: Eurasia; intr. in NS-ON and w/eNfld.

[=Scrophularia italica Mill., nom. confus.]
[=Scrophularia major Bubani, nom. illeg.]
[=Scrophularia nodosa L. subsp. foliosa Sennen]
[=Scrophularia subnodosa Schur]

[The latest volume (17) of the Flora of North America series questions the existence of Scrophularia nodosa in North America, implying that all specimens from North America are misidentifications of Scrophularia marilandica, a species of eastern North America that extends north only into the Carolinian forest region of Canada.  This treatment is rejected by the authors of this website, who believe Scrophularia nodosa to be quite distinct and morphologically different from Scrophularia marilandicaScrophularia nodosa has somewhat truncate to cordate leaf bases and very short, slightly winged petioles (vs. ovate leaves with rounded leaf bases and  long slender unwinged petioles in S. marilandica), 4-angled stems with acute angles and flat sides (vs. stems with rounded edges and grooved sides in S. marilandica), calyx lobes that are rounded at the apex (vs. calyx lobes with obtuse apices in S. marilandica), the lower lip of the corolla is distinctly wider than long (vs. the lower corolla lip is longer than wide in S. marilandica), and plants are considered introduced, with disjunct locations (vs. native to eastern North America in S. marilandica).]

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