Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Araceae/Aracées - Arum Family
Lemna turionifera E.Landolt
En: turion duckweed, perennial duckweed
Fr: : lenticule turionifère
Provincial Status: Ni
Range: Temp. NA, Eurasia; intr. in sw/wNfld.
[Since the Nfld. report of Lemna in Scoggan (1978) could not be substantiated, the range of Lemna turionifera did not include Nfld. in vol. 22 of FNA, (E. Landolt, pers. comm., 1/28/2000). However, a recently reported population from a single pond in Irishtown, swNfld., was located by the NFRPP in July 2000 and the identity confirmed as Lemna turionifera; the population has persisted. Another report of an introduced population W of Corner Brook, by a member of Ducks Unlimited, has yet to be verified.]
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