Cyperaceae/Cypéracées - Sedge Family
Carex foenea Willd.
En: bronze sedge, Fernald's hay sedge
Fr: carex fourrager, carex cuivré
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Temp.-Boreal NA; ne/c/s/eNfld., N to w/c/seLab.; acid.
Fr: carex fourrager, carex cuivré
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Temp.-Boreal NA; ne/c/s/eNfld., N to w/c/seLab.; acid.
[=Carex aenea Fernald]
[=Carex aenea Fernald forma extrapolata Butters & Abbe]
[=Carex aenea Fernald forma flumini-regalis Butters & Abbe]
[=Carex argyrantha Tuck. var. aenea (Fernald) B.Boivin]
[=Carex foenea Willd. var. aenea (Fernald) Kük.]
[=Vignea foenea (Willd.) Rchb.]
[Labrador specimens reported as Carex argyrantha at MT are referred to Carex foenea.]