Cyperaceae/Cypéracées - Sedge Family
Carex intumescens Rudge
En: bladder sedge, swollen sedge
Fr: carex gonflé
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Temp. eNA; thr. Nfld. (except upper nw), cLab.
Fr: carex gonflé
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Temp. eNA; thr. Nfld. (except upper nw), cLab.
[=Carex folliculata Wahlenb. 1803, nom. illeg. hom., non L. 1753]
[=Carex folliculata L. var. major Pursh]
[=Carex intumescens Rudge forma ventriosa Fernald]
[=Carex intumescens Rudge var. fernaldii L.H.Bailey]
[=Carex intumescens Rudge var. intumescens]
[In 1980, a report of Carex intumescens by R. Bobbette was made from 53 km sw of Goose Bay. C. intumescens was reported a second time from central Labrador in 2007 (Amec/Jacques-Whitford 2007) and in 2010 on islands in the Churchill River by Stantec Field Survey crew, S. Bennett, M. Crowley, and S.J. Meades (Stantec 2010).]