Fr: carex de Norvège
IU: ivitsukak
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Arctic-alpine amphi-Atlantic; S thr. Lab., nwNfld.; acid.
[=Carex alpina Lilj. 1798, nom. illeg. hom., non Schrank 1789]
[=Carex alpina Sw. ex Wahlenb. 1803, nom. illeg. hom., non Schrank 1789]
[=Carex halleri Gunnerus, nom. rej. prop.]
[=Carex norvegica Retz. subsp. conicorostrata Kalela]
[=Carex norvegica Retz. subsp. inserrulata Kalela]
[=Carex norvegica Retz. subsp. norvegica]
[=Carex norvegica Retz. var. inserrulata (Kalela) Raymond]
[=Carex norvegica Retz. var. norvegica]
[=Carex vahlii Schkuhr]
[=Vignea norvegica (Retz.) Rchb.]
[Carex norvegica is known only from the northern tip of the Great Northern Peninsula (Bouchard et al., 1991). The common name, closed-head sedge, is more correctly applied to Carex norvegica var. inferalpina, which is now called Carex media. Carex norvegica Retz. (1779), should not be confused with the later homonym Carex norvegica Willd. ex Schkuhr (1801), previously referred to as Norway sedge, which is now a synonym of Carex mackenziei. See Fernald (1933:220-223, 398) for a discussion of the nomenclature of C. alpina (=C. norvegica Retz.).]