Fr: épinette noire, épicéa noir, épinette à bière, épinette des marais
IA: sheshekatiku, ushkatiku, minaiku-uskhuetui (cone)
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Boreal NA; thr. Nfld. & Lab.
[=Abies mariana Mill. (basionym)]
[=Abies denticulata Michx.]
[=Abies denticulata Michx. forma squamea (Prov.) Vict.]
[=Abies denticulata Poir. 1804, nom. illeg. hom., non Michx. 1803]
[=Abies marylandica Dallim. & A.B.Jacks., nom. inval., pro syn.]
[=Abies nigra Michx. 1810, nom. illeg. hom., non (Castigl.) DuRoi 1800]
[=Abies nigra (Castigl.) DuRoi]
[=Abies nigra (Castigl.) DuRoi var. nana Jacques, nom. inval., nom. nud.]
[=Abies nigra (Castigl.) DuRoi var. pumila Knight ex Gordon]
[=Peuce rubra Rich.]
[=Picea brevifolia Peck]
[=Picea brevifolia Peck var. semiprostrata Peck]
[=Picea ericoides Bean]
[=Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P. forma beissneri (Rehder) Rehder]
[=Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P. forma doumetii (Carrière) O.L.Lipa]
[=Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P. forma empetroides Vict. & J.Rousseau]
[=Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P. forma ericoides (Bean) Rehder]
[=Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P. forma fastigiata (Carrière) Rehder]
[=Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P. forma grisea (Brunet) Vict.]
[=Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P. forma mariana]
[=Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P. forma nana (Beissn.) Rehder]
[=Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P. forma semiprostrata (Peck) S.F.Blake]
[=Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P. forma squamea (Prov.) Vict.]
[=Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P. var. beissneri Rehder]
[=Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P. var. brevifolia (Peck) Rehder]
[=Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P. var. doumetii (Carrière) C.K.Schneid.]
[=Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P. var. fastigiata (Carrière) Rehder]
[=Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P. var. humilis Sudw.]
[=Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P. var. pendula (Schwer.) Fitsch.]
[=Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P. var. pendula-variegata (Hornibr.) Fitsch.]
[=Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P. var. pumila (Knight ex Gordon) Sudw.]
[=Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P. var. semiprostrata (Peck) Teeri]
[=Picea nigra (Castigl.) Link]
[=Picea nigra (Castigl.) Link (unranked) argenteo-variegata Hesse ex Beissn.]
[=Picea nigra (Castigl.) Link (unranked) aurea Hesse ex Beissn.]
[=Picea nigra (Castigl.) Link (unranked) mariana (Mill.) Beissn.]
[=Picea nigra (Castigl.) Link (unranked) pendula Schwer.]
[=Picea nigra (Castigl.) Link var. brevifolia (Peck) Rehder]
[=Picea nigra (Castigl.) Link var. doumetii Carrière]
[=Picea nigra (Castigl.) Link var. ericoides (Mast.) Bean]
[=Picea nigra (Castigl.) Link var. fastigiata Carrière]
[=Picea nigra (Castigl.) Link var. grisea Brunet]
[=Picea nigra (Castigl.) Link var nana Beissn.]
[=Picea nigra (Castigl.) Link var. pendula-variegata Hornibr.]
[=Picea nigra (Castigl.) Link var. pumila Knight, nom. inval., nom. nud.]
[=Picea nigra (Castigl.) Link var. pumila Knight ex Gordon]
[=Picea nigra (Castigl.) Link var. semiprostrata (Peck) Brainerd, L.R.Jones, & Eggl.]
[=Picea nigra (Castigl.) Link var. squamea Prov.]
[=Picea nigra (Castigl.) Link var. virgata Rehder]
[=Pinus-abies canadensis Marshall]
[=Pinus abies L. var. mariana (Mill.) Münchh.]
[=Pinus canadensis DuRoi var. nigra Castigl.]
[=Pinus canadensis DuRoi var. nigricans Weston]
[=Pinus denticulata (Michx.) Muhl.]
[=Pinus mariana (Mill.) DuRoi]
[=Pinus marylandica Antoine, nom. inval.]
[=Pinus nigra Aiton 1789, nom. illeg. hom., non J.F.Arnold 1785]
[Kews' World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP 2018) recently posted information on overlooked Pinus names by Castiglioni (1790), which change the authorities of some synonyms of North America's black spruce. For example: an early synonym of Picea mariana, is Pinus nigra, published in 1789 by Aiton. However, Aiton's name was published 4 years later than Pinus nigra J.F.Arnold (1785), the Austrian pine; thus, Aiton's Pinus nigra cannot be used as the basionym of later names, since it is a later homonym and thus illegitimate. Pinus canadensis var. nigra Castigl. (1790) is the next legitimate name with priority, so Castigl. replaces Aiton as the basionym of names based on Aiton's Pinus nigra; e.g., Abies nigra (Castigl.) DuRoi and Picea nigra (Castigl.) Link.]