Cyperaceae/Cypéracées - Sedge Family
Carex ×pieperiana Junge
En: Pieper's sedge
Fr: carex de Pieper
Provincial Status: N
Range: Endemic to Nfld. and QC; w/nw/cNfld.
Fr: carex de Pieper
Provincial Status: N
Range: Endemic to Nfld. and QC; w/nw/cNfld.
(Parents: Carex flava × Carex viridula var. elatior)
[=Carex ×senayi Raymond]
[This hybrid sedge is reported from GMNP, wNfld., Brig Bay and Cook’s Hrbr. (Fernald 1933), nwNfld., and White Bay, cNfld. (Scoggan 1978).]