Cyperaceae/Cypéracées - Sedge Family
Carex pseudocyperus L.
En: cyperus sedge, cyperus-like sedge
Fr: carex faux-souchet
Provincial Status: N
Range: Temp. NA (disj.), Eurasia, nAfrica; N to sw/w/cNfld.
Fr: carex faux-souchet
Provincial Status: N
Range: Temp. NA (disj.), Eurasia, nAfrica; N to sw/w/cNfld.
[=Carex latifolia Sol. ex Boott 1858, nom. illeg. hom., non (Sw.) J.F.Gmel 1791]
[=Carex longibracteata Dulac 1867, nom. illeg. hom., non Schleich. 1821]
[=Carex pseudocyperus L. var. americana Hochst. ex L.H.Bailey]
[=Carex pseudocyperus L. var. pseudocyperus]
[=Carex punctulata R.Lesson ex A.Rich. 1832, nom. illeg. hom., non Leers 1775]
[=Carex recurva Schkuhr 1801, nom. illeg. hom., non Huds. 1778]
[Carex pseudocyperus occurs on sandy and gravelly shores in southwestern Nfld. and the Gander area (Bouchard et al., 1991.]