Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Cyperaceae/Cypéracées - Sedge Family
Eleocharis ovata (Roth) Roem. & Schult.
En: ovate spikerush, ovoid spikerush
Fr: éléocharide ovale
Provincial Status: N
Range: Boreal amphi-Atlantic (disj. in wNA, Hawaii); N to nw/c/eNfld.

[=Scirpus ovatus Roth (basionym)]
[=Bulbostylis ovatus (Roth) Steven]
[=Clavula ovata (Roth) Dumort.]
[=Cyperus ovatus (Roth) Missback & E.H.L.Krause, nom. illeg.]
[=Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult. var. ovata (Roth) Drapalink & Mohlenbr.]
[=Eleocharis ovata (Roth) Roem. & Schult. var. heuseri Uechtr.]
[=Eleogenus ovatus (Roth) Nees]
[=Scirpus capitatus Schreb. 1771, nom. illeg. hom., non L. 1753]
[=Scirpus compressus Moench, nom. illeg.]
[=Scirpus multicaulis C.C.Gmel. 1805, nom. illeg. hom., non Sm. 1800]
[=Scirpus turgidus Pers. 1805, nom. illeg. hom., non Thuill. 1799]
[=Trichophyllum ovatum (Roth) House]

[Previously classified as historically present in Nfld., Eleocharis ovata was known from pond margins in only three locations, with the last collection reported in 1931 by Agnes Ayre (Bouchard et al., 1991). However, a recent collection made by M. Burzynski from a salt marsh in Paul's Inlet, nwNfld., proves this species is still present in our Nfld. flora.]

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