Cyperaceae/Cypéracées - Sedge Family
Eriophorum scheuchzeri Hoppe subsp. scheuchzeri
En: Scheuchzer's cottongrass, white cottongrass
Fr: linaigrette de Scheuchzer
IU: suputaujak
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Arctic-alpine circumpolar; S to sLab., nw/eNfld.; calc.
Fr: linaigrette de Scheuchzer
IU: suputaujak
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Arctic-alpine circumpolar; S to sLab., nw/eNfld.; calc.
[=Eriophorum capitatum Host]
[=Eriophorum leucocephalum Boeck.]
[=Eriophorum scheuchzeri Hoppe var. scheuchzeri]
[=Eriophorum scheuchzeri Hoppe var. tenuifolium Ohwi]
[=Eriophorum sphaerocephalum Wulfen]
[=Plumaria scheuchzeri (Hoppe) Bubani]
[=Scirpus leucocephalus (Boeck.) T.Koyama]
[=Scirpus scheuchzeri Hartmann]
[=Scirpus scheuchzeri (Hoppe) Vitman 1789, nom. illeg. isonym., non Hartmann 1767]
[In Nfld., Eriophorum scheuchzeri occurs in fens on limestone bedrock along the Strait of Belle Isle (Bouchard et al., 1991).]