Fr: jonc épars, jonc diffus
Provincial Status: Ni
Range: Temp.-Boreal Eurasia; intr. in w/s/ne/eNfld.
[=Juncus bogotensis Kunth]
[=Juncus bogotensis Kunth var. compactus (Hoppe ex Mert. & W.D.J.Koch) Farw.]
[=Juncus communis E.Mey. var. effusus (L.) E.Mey.]
[=Juncus communis E.Mey. var. parviflorus (Lej. & Courtois) Rouy]
[=Juncus communis E.Mey. var. subglomeratus (DC.) Rouy]
[=Juncus conglomeratus L. var. effusus (L.) Kostel.]
[=Juncus effusus L. (unranked) compactus Hoppe ex Mert. & W.D.J.Koch]
[=Juncus effusus L. (unranked) pauciflorus (Lej. & Courtois) Asch. & Graebn.]
[=Juncus effusus L. subsp. effusus]
[=Juncus effusus L. subsp. fistulosus (Guss.) Richt.]
[=Juncus effusus L. var. compactus (Hoppe ex Mert. & W.D.J.Koch) Lej. & Courtois]
[=Juncus effusus L. var. effusus]
[=Juncus effusus L. var. fistulosus (Guss.) Buchenau]
[=Juncus effusus L. var. pauciflorus Lej. & Courtois]
[=Juncus effusus L. var. subglomeratus DC.]
[=Juncus fistulosus Guss.]
[=Juncus laevis Wallr. var. diffusus Wallr.]
[While many varieties and subspecies of Juncus effusus have been described, the authors of the FNA Juncaceae treatment did not feel, at that time, that there was adequate information to recognize subspecific ranks (FNA Vol. 22, 2000). This approach has not been universally accepted and several subspecies and distinct species are recognized in Europe and the U.S. The treatment in this checklist follows Kirchner (2002), which incorporates the work of Hämet-Ahti (1971, 1975, 1980a, 1980b, 1986) and is more consistent with Fernald's treatment in 1950 (and 1970). Kirschner's treatment is also largely followed by Elven et al. (Panarctic Flora 2011). Kirschner (2002c) states that J. effusus can be distinguished from J. conglomeratus by the presence of many faint stem ridges, just below the inflorescence, and the narrower sheath of the basal bract. Fernald (1970) notes that the culms of subsp. effusus are easily compressed and capsules are pale brown.]