Fr: sureau rouge, sureau pubescent
Provincial Status: LN
Range: Boreal NA (disj.); sw/w/nw/ne/c/sNfld., seLab.
[=Sambucus callicarpa Greene]
[=Sambucus dimidiata Raf.]
[=Sambucus discolor Carrière]
[=Sambucus heptaphylla Don]
[=Sambucus microbotrys Rydb.]
[=Sambucus pubens Michx.]
[=Sambucus pubens Michx. forma calva Fernald]
[=Sambucus pubens Michx. forma dissecta (Britton) Fernald]
[=Sambucus pubens Michx. forma leucocarpa (Torr. & A.Gray) Fernald]
[=Sambucus pubens Michx. forma rosiflora (Carrière) Dans.]
[=Sambucus pubens Michx. forma xanthocarpa (Cockerell) Fernald]
[=Sambucus pubens Michx. var. arborescens Torr. & A.Gray]
[=Sambucus pubens Michx. var. dimidiata (Raf.) Schwer.]
[=Sambucus pubens Michx. var. dissecta Britton]
[=Sambucus pubens Michx. var. leucocarpa Torr. & A.Gray]
[=Sambucus pubens Michx. var. pubescens (Pers.) Schwer.]
[=Sambucus pubens Michx. var. pulverulenta Schwer.]
[=Sambucus pubens Michx. var. rosiflora (Carrière) Zabel]
[=Sambucus pubens Michx. var. verrucosa (Raf.) Schwer.]
[=Sambucus pubens Michx. var. xanthocarpa (Cockerell) Nieuwl.]
[=Sambucus pubescens Pers.]
[=Sambucus racemosa A.Gray 1842, nom. illeg. hom., non L. 1753]
[=Sambucus racemosa L. [unranked] pubescens (Pers.) House]
[=Sambucus racemosa L. forma calva (Fernald) Scoggan]
[=Sambucus racemosa L. forma dissecta (Britton) Scoggan]
[=Sambucus racemosa L. forma leucocarpa (Torr. & A.Gray) House]
[=Sambucus racemosa L. forma pubens (Michx.) Voss]
[=Sambucus racemosa L. forma rosiflora (Carrière) B.Boivin 1966, nom. illeg. isonym., non (Carrière) Voss 1894]
[=Sambucus racemosa L. forma rosiflora (Carrière) Scoggan 1978, nom. illeg. isonym., non (Carrière) Voss 1894]
[=Sambucus racemosa L. forma rosiflora (Carrière) Voss]
[=Sambucus racemosa L. forma xanthocarpa Cockerell]
[=Sambucus racemosa L. subsp. pubens (Michx.) House]
[=Sambucus racemosa L. subsp. pubens (Michx.) House var. arborescens (Torr. & A.Gray) A.Gray]
[=Sambucus racemosa L. subsp. pubens (Michx.) House var. pubens (Michx.) Trautv. & C.A.Mey.]
[=Sambucus racemosa L. subsp. pubens (Michx.) Hultén 1937, nom. illeg. isonym., non (Michx.) House 1913]
[=Sambucus racemosa L. var. arborescens (Torr. & A.Gray) A.Gray]
[=Sambucus racemosa L. var. laciniata W.D.J.Koch ex DC.]
[=Sambucus racemosa L. var. leucocarpa (Torr. & A.Gray) Cronquist]
[=Sambucus racemosa L. var. microbotrys (Rydb.) Kearney & Peebles]
[=Sambucus racemosa L. var. pubens (Michx.) Koehne 1893, nom. illeg. isonym., non (Michx.) Trautv. & C.A.Mey. 1856]
[=Sambucus racemosa L. var. pubens (Michx.) S.Watson 1871, nom. illeg. isonym., non (Michx.) Trautv. & C.A.Mey. 1856]
[=Sambucus racemosa L. var. pubens (Michx.) Trautv. & C.A.Mey.]
[=Sambucus racemosa L. var. pubescens (Pers.) Dippel]
[=Sambucus racemosa L. var. rosiflora (Carrière) Dippel]
[=Sambucus racemosa L. var. rosiflora (Carrière) Koehne 1893, nom. illeg. isonym., non (Carrière) Dippel 1889]
[=Sambucus rosiflora Carrière, as rosaeflora]
[=Sambucus rupestris Raf.]
[=Sambucus verrucosa Raf.]
[Recent nomenclatural changes in the Flora of North America series, which are followed by Canadensys (Brouillet et al. 2011+) and this checklist, now list Sambucus racemosa L. as the accepted name for those subspecies [subsp. pubens] and varieties [var. arborescens and var. pubens] with red fruit. A third variety, which has black fruit [var. melanocarpa (A.Gray) McMinn, found in western Canada, east of the Cascade Mountains], is now recognized at the species level: Sambucus melanocarpa A.Gray. The first Labrador report of Sambucus racemosa was made by C. Hanel, T. Keats, and R. Belbin in 2004 from Black Bay Brook, near Red Bay, seLab.]