Fr: viorne trilobée, quatre-saisons des bois, viorne pimbina, arbuste de pimina
IA: mushuminakashi, mushumin
Provincial Status: N
Range: Boreal NA; thr. Nfld.
[=Viburnum acerifolium sensu Lindl., non L.]
[=Viburnum edule Pursh 1814, nom. illeg. hom., non (Michx.) Raf. 1808]
[=Viburnum opuloides Muhl.]
[=Viburnum opulus L. subsp. trilobum (Marshall) R.T.Clausen]
[=Viburnum opulus L. subsp. americanum (Aiton) Piper & Beattie]
[=Viburnum opulus L. var. americanum Aiton]
[=Viburnum opulus L. var. pimina Michx.]
[=Viburnum opulus L. var. subintegrifolium (Hook.) Torr. & A.Gray]
[=Viburnum opulus L. var. trilobum (Marshall) McAtee]
[=Viburnum oxycoccus Pursh]
[=Viburnum oxycoccos Pursh var. subintegrifolium Hook.]
[=Viburnum pimina (Michx.) Raf.]
[=Viburnum pimina (Michx.) Raf. var. subcordatum Raf.]
[Although often treated in North America as a subspecies or variety of Viburnum opulus (guelder rose, European cranberry bush), Viburnum trilobum is treated in Europe as a distinct species (cultivated in Europe), a treatment that is followed in this Checklist. One of several traits that distinguish V. opulus is its bitter, mildly toxic fruit (L. Hamet-Ahti, pers. comm., Apr. 2015). While the edible fruit of V. trilobum are neither bitter nor toxic, they do however produce a disagreeable odour similar to dirty socks when the seeded fruits are cooking. Another trait that separates the two species is the shape of the glands at the base of the leaf blade: the circular to oval glands on V. opulus leaves are short and concave on the upper surface, while the glands at the base of V. trilobum leaves are longer and rounded (dome-shaped) above to narrow and elongate. When buying V. trilobum shrubs at a nursery, make sure to check the glands on the leaves, since V. opulus is often inadvertently sold in nurseries as V. trilobum. The name Viburnum pinnina Raf., may be found in some online databases as a synonym of V. trilobum, but this is a typographic error for Viburnum pimina, named by Rafinesque in 1838 (Alsographica americana, pp. 57-58). The epithet pimina was used by Michaux (the basionym author: V. opulus var. pimina) as a noun in apposition (K. Gandhi, pers. comm. Apr. 2015), which means that the spelling of pimina does not have to agree with the gender of the genus.]