Potamogetonaceae/Potamogétonacées - Pondweed Family
Potamogeton foliosus Raf. subsp. foliosus
En: leafy pondweed
Fr: potamot feuillé
Provincial Status: LiN
Range: Temp.-sBoreal NA, CA; N to cNfld., probably intr. in cLab.; aq.
Fr: potamot feuillé
Provincial Status: LiN
Range: Temp.-sBoreal NA, CA; N to cNfld., probably intr. in cLab.; aq.
[=Potamogeton curtissii Morong]
[=Potamogeton foliosus Raf. var. macellus Fernald]
[=Potamogeton pauciflorus Pursh]
[In Nfld., Potamogeton foliosus is known from only one location in the Humber River, wNfld. (Bouchard et al., 1991). Most Labrador reports of P. foliosus are referred to P. berchtoldii, but a verified 2009 report of P. foliosus was made by C. Hanel, B. Rodrigues, and S. Garland from Happy Valley-Goose Bay, near the Mud Lake dock, cLab. Since the location is a public dock, it is likely that this species was introduced.]