Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Potamogetonaceae/Potamogétonacées - Pondweed Family
Potamogeton oakesianus J.W. Robbins
En: Oakes' pondweed
Fr: potamot d'Oakes
Provincial Status: ?LN
Range: Boreal eNA; thr. Nfld.; disjunct in cLab, but possibly extirpated; aq., acid.
[Labrador reports of Potamogeton nodosus were based on collections from 1950 by Gillett and Findlay from Goose Bay (MT, DAO), which were referred to P. oakesianus by S.G. Hay and also Hellquist. P. oakesianus has not been collected in Labrador since 1950, so is likely extirpated.]
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