Dryopteridaceae/Dryoptéridacées - Wood Fern Family
Dryopteris ×uliginosa (A.Braun ex Döll) Kuntze ex Druce [X]
En: bog woodfern, bog shieldfern
Fr: dryoptère des vases, dryoptéride des vases, polystic des fanges
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: Europe
Fr: dryoptère des vases, dryoptéride des vases, polystic des fanges
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: Europe
[Parents: D. cristata × D. spinulosa]
[=Aspidium cristatum (L.) Sw. var. uliginosum A.Braun ex Döll (basionym)]
[=Aspidium cristatum (L.) Sw. subsp. uliginosum (A.Braun ex Döll) Nyman]
[A 1998 Nfld. report of Dryopteris ×uliginosa auct. non (A.Braun ex Döll) Kuntze ex Druce from TNNP, Brouillet & Charest (MT), is referred to an unnamed hybrid of D. carthusiana × D. cristata, originally reported as D. ×uliginosa, rare in boreal eNA (Cody & Britton, 1989). However, the name Dryopteris ×uliginosa was described from European specimens as a hybrid of D. cristata × D. spinulosa, thus it is not considered synonymous with the North American hybrid of D. carthusiana × D. cristata.]