Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Pteridaceae/Ptéridacées - Maidenhair Fern Family
Cryptogramma acrostichoides R.Br. [X]
En: American rockbrake, parsley rockbrake
Fr: cryptogramme faux-acrostic
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: Boreal wNA (disj.), Asia; ON-BC, NT-YK.

              [=Allosorus acrostichoides (R.Br.) Spreng.]
              [=Allosorus crispus (L.) Bernh. var. acrostichoides (R.Br.) Milde]
              [=Allosorus foveolatus Rupr.]
              [=Cryptogramma crispa (L.) R.Br. subsp. acrostichoides (R.Br.) Hultén]
              [=Cryptogramma crispa (L.) R.Br. var. acrostichoides (R.Br.) C.B.Clarke]
              [=Gymnogramma acrostichoides (R.Br.) C.Presl 1836, nom. illeg. hom., non Desv. 1811]
              [=Phorolobus acrostichoides (R.Br.) Fée]

[Cryptogramma acrostichoides does not occur in NL; reports of this species from NL were likely based on misidentifications of Cryptogramma stelleri.]

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