Amaranthaceae/Amaranthacées - Amaranth Family
Amaranthus albus L. [E]
En: white amaranth, white tumbleweed
Fr: amarante blanche
Provincial Status: E [ephemeral; not persistent]
Range: Temp. NA, Eurasia; intro. in NS-BC; ephemeral in eNfld.
Fr: amarante blanche
Provincial Status: E [ephemeral; not persistent]
Range: Temp. NA, Eurasia; intro. in NS-BC; ephemeral in eNfld.
[=Amaranthus albus L. var. pubescens (Uline & W.L.Bray) Fernald]
[=Amaranthus graecizans L. var. pubescens Uline & W.L.Bray]
[=Amaranthus pubescens (Uline & W.L.Bray) Rydb.]
[A specimen of Amaranthus albus was collected in the garden of H.J. Clase, 1994, but the population has not persisted.]