Asteraceae/ Astéracées - Aster Family
Hieracium sabaudum L. [E]
En: New England hawkweed, savoy hawkweed
Fr: épervière de Savoie
Provincial Status: E [ephemeral; not persistent]
Range: eUS; introduced in NS, QC, BC; ephemeral in eNfld.
Fr: épervière de Savoie
Provincial Status: E [ephemeral; not persistent]
Range: eUS; introduced in NS, QC, BC; ephemeral in eNfld.
[=Hieracioides flexuosa Moench, nom. illeg. superfl.]
[=Hieracium autumnale Griseb.]
[=Hieracium rigidulum Jord. ex Boreau]
[=Hieracium silvestre Tausch]
[This species was reported in 2010 by J. Maunder from a cloverleaf in Torbay Rd. near Major's Path, St. John's, eNfld., and from along a bypass in Spaniards's Bay, likely introduced with hydroseeding; not naturalized in NL. The identity of this ephemeral introduction has yet to be confirmed.]