Asteraceae/ Astéracées - Aster Family
Inula helenium L. [X]
En: elecampane, horseheal
Fr: inule aulnée
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: Eurasia; possibly cultivated as an ornamental in NL, but not occurring naturally.
Fr: inule aulnée
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: Eurasia; possibly cultivated as an ornamental in NL, but not occurring naturally.
[=Aster helenium (L.) Scop.]
[=Aster officinalis All., nom. illeg. superfl.]
[=Corvisartia helenium (L.) Mérat]
[=Helenium grandiflorum Gilib., opus utique rej.]
[=Helenium officinale Kuntze]
[Scoggan (1979) lists a single report as "?Nfld. (Boivin’s 1966b, not listed by Rouleau 1956)"; no naturalized reports of this species have been located; Inula helenium is now excluded from the NL flora.]