Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Boraginaceae/Boraginacées - Borage Family
Borago officinalis L. [E]
En: common borage, bee plant
Fr: bourrache officinale
Provincial Status: E [ephemeral; not persistent]
Range: Europe. Cultivated; introduced in PE, NB, MB-BC; ephemeral in Nfld., NS, QC-ON.

              [=Borago hortensis L.]
              [=Borago officinalis L. var. alba Gray]
              [=Borago officinalis L. var. coerulea Alef.]
              [=Borago officinalis L. var. lilacina Alef.]
              [=Borago officinalis L. var. variegata Alef.]

[Borago officinalis is occasionally cultivated in Nfld. gardens and may escape, but is not naturalized.]

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