Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Boraginaceae/Boraginacées - Borage Family
Echium plantagineum L. [X]
En: purple viper's bugloss, Paterson's curse, salvation Jane
Fr: vipérine faux-plantain, viperine à feuilles de plantain.
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: Europe; one historical report from eNfld., not persistent.

              [=Echium creticum L. subsp. plantagineum (L.) Malag.]
              [=Echium plantagineum L. forma roseum H.Lindb.]
              [=Echium plantagineum L. var. album Mattos]
              [=Echium plantaginoides Roem. & Schult.]
              [=Echium pseudoviolaceum Schur]
              [=Echium violaceum L.]

[Echium plantagineum, reported in Scoggan (1978) as Echium lycopsis L., a garden weed from Murray’s Pond, St. John’s (GH), collected by A.M.Ayre in 1931, has not been reported since from NL and is now excluded from the NL flora.]

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