Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Brassicaceae/Brassicacées - Mustard Family
Draba juvenilis Kom. [X]
En: longstalk whitlowgrass, longstalk draba
Fr: drave à longs pédicelles
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: Arctic-alpine wNA, AB-BC, NU-YK; snowbeds.

              [=Draba hirta var. juvenilis (Kom.) Pohle]

[Draba juvenilis, known only from western NA, does not occur in NL; the photographic report of Draba longipes (a synonym of D. juvenilis) from Red Bay, sLab., by Titford & Titford (1995), undoubtedly refers to another Draba species, but no collection was made for verification.]

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