Caryophyllaceae/Caryophyllacées - Pink Family
Cerastium regelii Ostenf. [X]
En: Regel's chickweed
Fr: céraiste de Regel
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: High-arctic circumpolar (disj.); nQC, NU-NT, calc.
Fr: céraiste de Regel
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: High-arctic circumpolar (disj.); nQC, NU-NT, calc.
[=Cerastium alpinum L. var. caespitosum Malmgren]
[=Cerastium alpinum L. var. serpyllifolium Regel]
[=Cerastium gorodkovianum Schischk.]
[=Cerastium jenisejense Hultén]
[=Cerastium regelii Ostenf. subsp. caespitosum (Malmgren) Tolm.]
[=Cerastium serpyllifolium M.Bieb. ex Ser., nom. illeg.]
[Cerastium regelii does not occur in NL; reports of this species from NL were based on misidentifications of other Cerastium species.]