Fr: berce du Caucase, berce géante du Caucase
Provincial Status: Ni
Range: Central Eurasia (Caucasus); intr. on the Avalon Peninsula.
[=Heracleum circassicum Manden.]
[=Heracleum grossheimii Manden.]
[=Heracleum pubescens auct. scand., non (Hoffm.) M.Bieb.]
[Erroneous report of Heracleum mantegazzianum from western Newfoundland are based on misidentifications of our native cow parsnip, Heracleum maximum, which can be very robust, esp. in coastal areas. Size and leaf dissection are not reliable traits on which to base identification. Particular attention should be paid to the following characters to confirm an identification of H. mantegazzianum before reporting this invasive species: the stems of H. mantegazzianum bear short bristle-like hairs originating from raised purple botches; domed inflorescences have 50-150 rays (each bearing an umbellet); and fruits are oval and rounded at the apex. See notes under Heracleum maximum for comparison.]