Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Rubiaceae/Rubiacées - Bedstraw Family
Galium aparine L. [X]
En: annual bedstraw, cleavers, goosegrass, sticky willy, catchweed bedstraw
Fr: gaillet gratteron
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: Temp. NA, Eurasia (disj.); native to ON-SK, BC, NT; intr. in eNfld. (historical).

              [=Aparine hispida Moench, nom. illeg. superfl.]
              [=Aparine vulgaris Hill]
              [=Asperula aparine (L.) Besser, nom. illeg.]
              [=Asterophyllum aparine (L.) K.F.Schimp. & Spenn.]
              [=Galion aparinum (L.) St.-Lag.]
              [=Rubia aparine (L.) Baill.]

[A single 1949 collection from a vegetable garden in Mount Pearl, eNfld., was reported by I.J. Green.  No new specimens of Galium aparine have been reported since; this species is now excluded from the NL flora.]

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