Lamiaceae/Lamiacées - Mint Family
Dracocephalum thymiflorum L. [E]
En: thymeleaf dragonhead, thyme-flowered dragonhead
Fr: dracocéphale à fleurs de thym
Provincial Status: E [ephemeral; not persistent]
Range: Eurasia; intr. in wLab., not persistent.
Fr: dracocéphale à fleurs de thym
Provincial Status: E [ephemeral; not persistent]
Range: Eurasia; intr. in wLab., not persistent.
[=Moldavica thymiflora (L.) Rydb.]
[=Ruyschiana thymiflora (L.) House]
[The first Labrador report of Dracocephalum thymiflorum was from a hydroseeded dyke, Churchill Falls, wLab. I. Watts, 1975. Gill (1981) reports that this species does not persist for more than a couple of years except in wNA.]