Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Orobanchaceae/Orobanchacées - Broomrape Family
Euphrasia salisburgensis Funck ex Hoppe var. hibernica Pugsley [X]
En: Irish eyebright
Fr: euphraise d'Irland
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: Ireland; intr. at Daniel's Harbour, nwNfld. (1861), not persistent.

[The single record of this Irish species in North America is a specimen from Daniel's Harbour, nwNfld., collected in 1861 by James Richardson (CAN).  Since Euphrasia salisburgensis var. hibernica has not been reported from Nfld. since 1861, it is now excluded from the NL flora.]

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