Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Orobanchaceae/Orobanchacées - Broomrape Family
Euphrasia vinacea P.D.Sell & Yeo [X]
En: burgundy eyebright, glacier eyebright
Fr: euphraise vin
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: Arctic Canada (Hudson Bay); QC-MB; ?nLab. (Saglek).

[A specimen of Euphrasia from Saglek, nLab., collected by J.M. Gillett (PH) was referred to Euphrasia vinacea by P.D. Sell & Yeo (1970:216), who noted that E. vinacea is closely related to Euphrasia wettsteinii, an arctic eyebright species also known from nLab.  See the E. vinacea entry in the Panarctic Flora (http://nhm2.uio.no/paf/) and the notes in the E. wettsteinii entry in the Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (http://nature.ca/aaflora/data/www/sceual.htm). Since no further specimens of E. vinacea have been located, this species is excluded from the NL flora, with a question mark, until a positive ID of the specimen at PH is checked to confirm its identity.]

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