Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Apiaceae/Apiacées - Carrot Family
Myrrhis odorata (L.) Scop.
En: garden myrrh, sweet cicely, sweet chervil, anise chervil, sweet-scented myrrh
Fr: cerfeuil musqué, myrrhis odorant, cerfeuil odorante, cerfeuil d'Espagne, cerfeuil anisé
Provincial Status: Ni
Range: European; intr. in w/eNfld.

[=Scandix odorata L. (basionym)]
[=Chaerophyllum odoratum (L.) Lam.]
[=Lindera odorata (L.) Asch.]
[=Myrrhis odorata (L.) Scop. subsp. sulcata (Lag.) Nyman]
[=Myrrhis sulcata Lag.]
[=Selinum myrrhis E.H.L.Krause]

[A population of Myrrhis odorata occurs in a park in St. John's, eNfld., where is was reported by Howard and Leila Clase as firmly established in 1999 (John Maunder, pers. comm., 2011); also, 2 wNfld. location (Rocky Harbour and Norris Point) are reported to have widely established populations of Myrrhis odorata (A. Marceau, M. Burzynski, pers. comm., Nov. 2016).]

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