Apiaceae/Apiacées - Carrot Family
Osmorhiza berteroi DC.
En: mountain sweet cicely, tapering sweet cicely, western sweet cicely
Fr: osmorhize de Bertero
Provincial Status: N
Range: Boreal cordilleran disjunct, wSA; N to w/nwNfld.; calc.
Fr: osmorhize de Bertero
Provincial Status: N
Range: Boreal cordilleran disjunct, wSA; N to w/nwNfld.; calc.
[=Osmorhiza chilensis Hook. & Arn.]
[=Osmorhiza divaricata (Britton) Piper.]
[=Osmorhiza divaricata (Britton) Suksd. 1906, nom. illeg. isonym., non (Britton Piper 1901]
[=Osmorhiza nuda Torr.]
[=Washingtonia divaricata Britton]
[Historically, Osmorhiza berteroi was known from only two Nfld. locations, the Highlands of St. John and Frenchman's Cove (Bouchard et al. 1991, as Osmorhiza chilensis). C. Hanel (2005) reports several new locations in w/nwNfld.]