Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Ranunculaceae/Renonculacées - Buttercup Family
Aquilegia canadensis L. [X]
En: red columbine, Canada columbine, rock-bells, wild red columbine
Fr: ancolie du Canada, gants de Notre-Dame
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: Temp. eNA; QC-SK.

              [=Aquilegia australis Small]
              [=Aquilegia canadensis L. var. australis (Small) Munz]
              [=Aquilegia canadensis L. var. coccinea (Small) Munz]
              [=Aquilegia coccinea Small]

[Aquilegia canadensis, which has red sepals and yellow petals with red spurs; it does not occur in NL; reports of this species from NL were likely based on misidentifications of cultivars of Aquilegia vulgaris.]

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