Rubiaceae/Rubiacées - Bedstraw Family
Galium trifidum L. subsp. subbiflorum (Wiegand) Puff [X]
En: two-flowered small bedstraw, calcareous three-petal bedstraw
Fr: gaillet à deux fleurs
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: wNA; NB-ON, BC, NT.
Fr: gaillet à deux fleurs
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: wNA; NB-ON, BC, NT.
[=Galium trifidum L. var. subbiflorum Wiegand (basionym)]
[=Galium claytonii var. subbiflorum (Wiegand) Wiegand]
[=Galium subbiflorum (Wiegand) Rydb.]
[=Galium tinctorium L. var. subbiflorum (Wiegand) Fernald]
[Galium trifidum subsp. subbiflorum does not occur in NL; reports of this species from NL were based on misidentifications of other subspecies of Galium trifidum or other Galium species.]