Salicaceae/Salicacées - Willow Family
Populus nigra L. var. italica Münchh. [X]
En: Lombardy poplar, black poplar, black cottonwood
Fr: peuplier d'Italie, peuplier de Lombardie, peuplier noir d'Italie
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: Europe; cultivated in Nfld.
Fr: peuplier d'Italie, peuplier de Lombardie, peuplier noir d'Italie
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: Europe; cultivated in Nfld.
[=Populus italica (Müncch.) Moench]
[=Populus nigra L. forma italica (Müncch.) A.Andersen]
[=Populus nigra L. subsp. italica (Müncch.) Asch. & Graebn.]
[=Populus nigra L. var. italica DuRoi, nom. illeg.]
[Lombardy poplars were a common tree planted in wNfld. communities, such as Woody Point; these populations are now dying out and no natural regeneration has been observed. European taxonomic databases (e.g.: Kew’s Plants of the World Online, recognize this taxon at the forma level, not as an accepted variety.]