Salicaceae/Salicacées - Willow Family
Salix caprea L. [X]
En: goat willow, hoary willow
Fr: saule marsault, saule des chèvres
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: Eurasia; intr. in NS, ON.
Fr: saule marsault, saule des chèvres
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: Eurasia; intr. in NS, ON.
[=Capraea vulgaris Opiz]
[=Nectopix caprea (L.) Raf.]
[Reports of Salix caprea from NL by Rouleau (1956) were probably taken from Bachelot de la Pylaie (1823), which refer to another species, S. bebbiana var. capreifolia (Scoggan 1978).]