Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Asparagaceae/Asparagacées - Asparagus Family
Ornithogalum umbellatum L. [X]
En: star-of-Bethlehem, nap-at-noon, sleepy dick
Fr: ornithogale en ombelle, dame d'onze heures
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: Europe; intr. in NS-ON, BC; cultivated in Nfld.

              [=Hyacinthus umbellatus (L.) E.H.L.Krause]
              [=Ornithogalum stellare Salisb., nom. illeg. superfl.]

[Ornithogalum umbellatum may persist at old homestead sites, but is not naturalized in NL.]

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