Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Asparagaceae/Asparagacées - Asparagus Family
Scilla siberica Andrews subsp. siberica [X]
En: Siberian squill, wood squill
Fr: scille de Sibérie
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: Asia; intro. NB-ON, BC; cultivated.

              [=Endymion amoenulus Nyman]
              [=Scilla amoenula Hornem.]
              [=Othocallis siberica (Andrews) Speta]
              [=Scilla uniflora Willd. ex Kunth]

[Occasionally cultivated in Nfld. gardens, not naturalized.  The authority of Scilla siberica is often given as Haworth, but taxonomic resources mention that although Haworth contributed text to this publication, there is no internal evidence that Haworth was the author of the description of Scilla sibirica in H. Andrew’s 1804 publication: Botanists Repository, Vol. 6, plate 365.  Therefore, the correct authority for the name Scilla sibirica is Andrews, not Haworth. (Kanchi Gandhi, pers. comm. to S.J. Meades, Dec. 14, 2022).]

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