Fr: carex de Lyngbye
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: Coastal amphi-Beringian, Iceland, Greenland; BC; hal.
[=Carex cryptocarpa C.A.Mey.]
[=Carex halophila F.Nyl. subsp. cryptocarpa (C.A.Mey.) Nyman]
[=Carex lyngbyei Hornem. subsp. cryptocarpa (C.A.Mey.) Hultén]
[=Carex lyngbyei Hornem. var. robusta (L.H.Bailey) B.Boivin]
[=Carex lyngbyei Hornem. var. robusta (L.H.Bailey) Cronquist 1969, nom. illeg. isonym., non B.Boivin 1967]
[=Carex maritima Gunnerus subsp. cryptocarpa (C.A.Mey.) K.Richt.]
[=Carex maritima Gunnerus subsp. lyngbyei (Hornem.) Nyman]
[=Carex salina Wahlenb. var. robusta L.H.Bailey]
[Carex lyngbyei does not occur in NL; reports of this species from NL were likely based on misidentifications of other Carex species.]