Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Juncaceae/Joncacées - Rush Family
Juncus acutiflorus Ehrh. ex Hoffm. [X]
En: sharpflower rush
Fr: jonc à fleurs aiguës
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: Eurasia, nAfrica.

              [=Juncus articulatus L. forma acutiflorus (Ehrh. ex Hoffm.) Regel]
              [=Juncus lampocarpus Ehrh. ex Hoffm. var. acutiflorus (Ehrh. ex Hoffm.) Neilr.]
              [=Phylloschoenus acutiflorus (Ehrh. ex Hoffm.) Fourr., nom. inval.]

[Newfoundland reports of Juncus acutiflorus probably refer to unverified 1827 reports by LaHarpe, which were repeated by later authors, or to collections from St. Pierre-et-Miquelon (GH).]

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