Orchidaceae/Orchidacées - Orchid Family
Spiranthes ochroleuca (Rydb.) Rydb. [X]
En: yellow nodding ladies-tresses
Fr: spiranthe jaunâtre
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: nTemp. eNA; NS-NB, ON.
Fr: spiranthe jaunâtre
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: nTemp. eNA; NS-NB, ON.
[=Gyrostachys ochroleuca Rydb. (basionym)]
[=Ibidium cernuum (L.) House var. ochroleucum (Rydb.) House]
[=Ibidium ochroleucum (Rydb.) House]
[=Spiranthes cernua (L.) Rich. var. ochroleuca (Rydb.) Ames]
[=Triorchis cernuus (L.) Nieuw. var. ochroleucus (Rydb.) Farw.]
[=Triorchis ochroleucus (Rydb.) Nieuwl.]
[Spiranthes ochroleuca does not occur in NL; reports of this species from NL were likely based on misidentifications of Spiranthes romanzoffiana.]