Poaceae/Poacées - Grass Family
Bromus racemosus L. [X]
En: bald brome, smooth brome
Fr: brome à grappes
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: Temp. Europe; historical intr. in eNfld.
Fr: brome à grappes
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: Temp. Europe; historical intr. in eNfld.
[=Bromus mollis L. var. racemosus (L.) Bab.]
[=Forasaccus racemosus (L.) Bubani]
[=Serrafalcus racemosus (L.) Parl.]
[Scoggan (1978) reports Bromus racemosus from St. John's, eNfld., determined by Dore. No new populations have been found in recent years; B. racemosus is now excluded from the NL flora.]