Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Poaceae/Poacées - Grass Family
Koeleria macrantha (Ledeb.) Schult. [X]
En: junegrass, prairie junegrass
Fr: koelérie à crêtes.
Provincial Status: X [excluded]
Range: Temp.-Trop. NA, ON-BC, NT-YK; Eurasia; historical intr. in cLab.

              [=Aira macrantha Ledeb. (basionym)]
              [=Koeleria cristata Pers., nom. illeg. superfl.]
              [=Koeleria cristata Pers. subsp. macrantha (Ledeb.) Rothm.]
              [=Koeleria cristata Pers. var. macrantha (Ledeb.) Griseb.]

[Scoggan (1978) reports a specimen of Koeleria macrantha (as Koeleria cristata), from Goose Bay, cLab. (CAN); it has not been reported since and is now excluded from the NL flora.]

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