Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador
Asteraceae/ Astéracées - Aster Family
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.
En: common ragweed
Fr: petite herbe à poux, ambroise à feuilles d'armoise
Provincial Status: Ni
Range: Temp. eNA; intr. in ne/eNfld., wLab.

[=Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. var. elatior (L.) Descourt.]
[=Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. var. paniculata Blank.]
[=Ambrosia elatior L.]
[=Ambrosia elatior L. var. atremisiifolia (L.) Farw., nom. illeg.]
[=Ambrosia glandulosa Scheele]
[=Ambrosia maritima L.]
[=Ambrosia monophylla (Walter) Rydb.]
[=Ambrosia paniculata Michx., nom. illeg. superfl.]
[=Iva monophylla Walter]

[Ambrosia artemisiifolia is reported from three locations on the Avalon Peninsula and one site on the Baie Verte Peninsula. Occasional introductions seem to be short-lived. A Labrador report of Ambrosia artemisiifolia by Hustich and Kallio in 1963 (CAN) from Knob Lake, wLab., has not been relocated, thus this species is now excluded from Labrador.]

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